June 17, 2019

Do you have pinnacle weapons in your pursuit list, but can't keep track of which one is which? This list will help you keep track of which pursuit grants which weapon, and what steps are needed to acquire it.
Forsaken - Season 4

Luna's Howl (Remembrance - Shaxx)
Shock and Denial: Complete 10 Competitive Crucible matches
Pain and Guilt: 150 Hand Cannon kills in Competitive Crucible
Anger and Bargaining: 200 solar kills in Competitive Crucible
Depression and Loneliness: Complete 3 matches in Rumble Crucible
The Upward Turn: 100 precision Hand Cannon kills in Competitive Crucible
Reconstruction: Reach Fabled Glory rank

Not Forgotten (Keepsake - Shaxx)
Hope: 300 kills with Luna's Howl in Competitive Crucible
Always Faithful: Reach Legend Glory rank

Redrix's Broadsword (Forging the Broadsword - Shaxx)
Orientation: 200 pulse rifle final blows in the Crucible
Shape of Things To Come: Reach Heroic Valor rank
The Candidate: Rapidly defeat 75 opponents in group of two or more in the Crucible
Dead is Dead: 150 precision pulse rifle kills in the Crucible
Further Instructions: 50 kills each with Arc, Solar, and Void kills in the Crucible
This Place Is Death: Complete 25 matches each of Quickplay, Competitive, and Rumble
The Constant: Complete 20 Crucible bounties
The Beginning of the End: Reset Valor rank five times in one season
Season of the Forge (5)

The Mountaintop (The Ascent - Shaxx)
First of Many: Reach Brave Glory rank
The Third Wave: Complete "In Pursuit of Honor" triumph
750 grenade launcher final blows in the Crucible
75 opponents rapidly defeated in the Crucible
50 "Calculated Trajectory" medals earned in the Crucible (defeat three opponents with grenade launcher kills in a single life)
1x points for Quickplay, 2x for Iron Banner, 3x for Competitive
No Second Chances: Reach Fabled Glory rank

Breakneck (Before The Storm - Drifter)
500 auto rifle kills in Gambit/Prime
100 auto rifle multikills in Gambit/Prime
150 challenging enemies defeated in Gambit/Prime
40 Gambit/Prime matches completed

Loaded Question (Countdown To Zero - Zavala)
500 fusion rifle kills in strikes
1000 arc kills in strikes
40 strike activities completed
Season of the Drifter (6)

The Recluse (From the Mouth of Babes - Shaxx)
Complete "The Stuff of Myth" triumph
100 Crucible Wins (Competitive and Iron Banner grant more progress)
Reach Fabled Glory rank

21% Delirium (By Your Bootstraps - Drifter)
Complete "Notorious Hustle" triumph
75 multikills in Gambit/Prime
350 Envoys and Primevals defeated
Reset Infamy rank

Oxygen SR3 (Redeployment - Zavala)
Complete "The Best Offense" triumph
1000 precision final blows in any strike activity
500 orbs generated in any strike activity
75 Strikes and Nightfalls completed
Season of Opulence (7)

Revoker (In Your Sights - Shaxx)
300 sniper rifle final blows in the Crucible
50 precision sniper rifle final blows in the Crucible
3500 Glory points earned (total points earned, losses do not deter progress)

Hush (Hush, Little Baby - Drifter)
1000 final blows with a bow in Gambit/Prime
500 precision final blows with a bow in Gambit/Prime
600 medals earned in Gambit/Prime

Wendigo GL3 (A Gift for the Worthy - Zavala)
1500 grenade launcher kills in playlist strikes
500 grenade launcher multikills in playlist strikes
15000 points from defeating enemies in playlist strikes